Love Politics? You Should Go to College in Iowa

Love Politics? You Should Go to College in Iowa

Forget D.C. Every politico knows that Iowa is the place you want to be for the most exciting campaigns in the country with the Iowa Caucus. That’s particularly true for young people and college students who want to get involved in politics. Nowhere else in the...
Keys to Winning Clinton County

Keys to Winning Clinton County

Which local activists do Democratic presidential campaigns need on their side to win Clinton County? Starting Line presents its first in a new series of in-depth looks into individual important counties around the state. Main City: Clinton Population: 49,116 (11th...
Could Joe Biden Win the Iowa Caucus?

Could Joe Biden Win the Iowa Caucus?

Vice President Joe Biden returns to Iowa this week, raising questions as to whether the trip may be preparation for something bigger. Biden admitted recently to be considering a third bid for the presidency. Heading into the twilight of his long and successful career...