

Results for "Tom Steyer"
Tom Steyer Reintroduces Himself As More Than A Billionaire

Tom Steyer Reintroduces Himself As More Than A Billionaire

Stumping at the Grumpy Goat Tavern in Ankeny less than one week before Iowans head to their caucus sites, Tom Steyer said he was aware of his reputation in the press as the "billionaire businessman" candidate. "That is not how I think about myself," Steyer said. "My...

Tom Steyer Reintroduces Himself As More Than A Billionaire

Tom Steyer Reintroduces Himself As More Than A Billionaire

Stumping at the Grumpy Goat Tavern in Ankeny less than one week before Iowans head to their caucus sites, Tom Steyer said he was aware of his reputation in the press as the "billionaire businessman" candidate. "That is not how I think about myself," Steyer said. "My...

Tom Steyer Reintroduces Himself As More Than A Billionaire

Tom Steyer Reintroduces Himself As More Than A Billionaire

Stumping at the Grumpy Goat Tavern in Ankeny less than one week before Iowans head to their caucus sites, Tom Steyer said he was aware of his reputation in the press as the "billionaire businessman" candidate. "That is not how I think about myself," Steyer said. "My...

Get Ready To Know Kat Taylor, Tom Steyer’s Better Half

Get Ready To Know Kat Taylor, Tom Steyer’s Better Half

Tom Steyer may be a billionaire now, but he’s not dying a billionaire. Or at least that’s what his wife, Kat Taylor, said on his campaign bus earlier this month while in Iowa, supporting his largely self-funded bid. The two have been united in their personal lives to...

Tom Steyer: Can Dems Talk Real Health Care Policy Now?

Tom Steyer: Can Dems Talk Real Health Care Policy Now?

Every Democratic debate so far has included at least a few questions about health care. Namely, which version of universal health insurance the candidates support. Moderators have used the differences to drive wedges between the party's factions of "Medicare for All"...

Poll: Amy Klobuchar, Tom Steyer Picking Up Steam In Iowa

Poll: Amy Klobuchar, Tom Steyer Picking Up Steam In Iowa

A recently-released survey from PPP Polls has good news for Amy Klobuchar and Tom Steyer in the lead-off caucus state. Both are moving up in the still-crowded Democratic primary, with Klobuchar polling at 9% and Steyer at 6% in Iowa in this survey. Klobuchar's new...

Tom Steyer Calls For Big Up-Front Investment In Rural Plan

Tom Steyer Calls For Big Up-Front Investment In Rural Plan

At the tail end of last week, Tom Steyer rolled out his new rural plan, called "Partnerships with Rural Communities," which calls for massive investments in rural areas and assets. "For centuries, the people who call rural America home did so because of its...

Tom Steyer On No Climate Debate Talk, Fundraising, His Tie

Tom Steyer On No Climate Debate Talk, Fundraising, His Tie

California businessman Tom Steyer made his debut on the national debate stage last night, along with eleven of his closest Democratic presidential candidate friends. One of Steyer's two biggest issues -- impeachment -- led off the night. However, his other passion --...

The Climate Phrase Tom Steyer Doesn’t Want To Hear

The Climate Phrase Tom Steyer Doesn’t Want To Hear

When Tom Steyer visited Crescent last week to tour damage of western Iowa's third round of major flooding in six months, he was asked a climate question beginning with the clause, “If the science is true … ” Steyer, a Democratic presidential candidate and former...

Trump Screwed You, Tom Steyer Tells Iowa Farmers In New TV Ad

Trump Screwed You, Tom Steyer Tells Iowa Farmers In New TV Ad

Tom Steyer has a message for Iowa farmers: Donald Trump screwed you. That's how his new TV ad in the lead-off caucus state opens, with a clip from Sen. Chuck Grassley on Iowa Press saying, "They screwed us." The quip from Iowa's senior senator in August was in...

Ep 113: New Starting Line Reporter and Tom Steyer Interview

Ep 113: New Starting Line Reporter and Tom Steyer Interview

Pat Rynard sits down to discuss this week's Iowa Caucus happenings, new Starting Line Reporter Isabella Murray joins to introduce herself and talk about the beats she'll be...

Is Tom Steyer Reconsidering A Run?

Is Tom Steyer Reconsidering A Run?

While Tom Steyer announced back in January that he would not make a presidential run in 2020, a poll going around Iowa raises new questions on whether he might be reconsidering that option. A Starting Line reader received a polling call yesterday afternoon in which...

Ep32: End Of Session & Tom Steyer Interview

Ep32: End Of Session & Tom Steyer Interview

 Iowa Starting Line Podcast host Pat Rynard speaks with District 77 Representative Amy Nielsen about the end of the legislative session, followed by an interview with billionaire hedge fund manager Tom Steyer about his push to...

Tom Steyer Launches $10 Million Effort To Impeach Trump

Tom Steyer Launches $10 Million Effort To Impeach Trump

Tom Steyer, the Democratic California billionaire, launched an in-your-face Trump impeachment ad campaign across the country this week. Timing and momentum is everything in politics. It certainly appears Steyer’s impeachment ad launch is timed perfectly considering...

Steyer’s Call For Public Impeachment Hearings Paying Off

Steyer’s Call For Public Impeachment Hearings Paying Off

The impeachment hearings of President Donald Trump went public this week, a move presidential candidate Tom Steyer has called for since he first spoke out on impeachment in 2017. In his first Need To Impeach ad, on Oct. 21, 2017, Steyer said: "He has brought us to the...

How Iowa Prepped The Field For Winning Back Rural Voters

How Iowa Prepped The Field For Winning Back Rural Voters

The Iowa Caucus has certainly seen its fair share of justified criticism in recent months. The IDP and DNC were blasted for the caucus night reporting failure. Continued questions over Iowa's place in the process ramped back up — it's too white, it's too old, it's too...

Trump’s ‘Farm Income Is Up’ Claim Isn’t What It Seems

Trump’s ‘Farm Income Is Up’ Claim Isn’t What It Seems

President Donald Trump has already given us a preview of his talking points for whatever general election matchup he finds himself in. For agricultural, Midwestern battleground states, the message is simple: “farm income is up.” "In the eight years before my election,...

Trump’s ‘Farm Income Is Up’ Claim Isn’t What It Seems

Trump’s ‘Farm Income Is Up’ Claim Isn’t What It Seems

President Donald Trump has already given us a preview of his talking points for whatever general election matchup he finds himself in. For agricultural, Midwestern battleground states, the message is simple: “farm income is up.” "In the eight years before my election,...

Candidates’ Strengths And Weaknesses In Iowa Caucus Results

Candidates’ Strengths And Weaknesses In Iowa Caucus Results

The end result of the Iowa Caucus may have largely been a split decision for Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders, but there were plenty of useful insights we got into every candidate's coalition from Monday. Where each candidate did well and poorly in Iowa could preview...

Lost Amid Chaos: Amy Klobuchar Did Pretty Well In Iowa

Lost Amid Chaos: Amy Klobuchar Did Pretty Well In Iowa

While press coverage has understandably focused on the extremely delayed results of the Iowa Caucus, it's robbed many candidates of an acknowledgment of what their campaigns accomplished in the state. What discussion there has been has centered around Joe Biden's...

Lost Amid Chaos: Amy Klobuchar Did Pretty Well In Iowa

Lost Amid Chaos: Amy Klobuchar Did Pretty Well In Iowa

While press coverage has understandably focused on the extremely delayed results of the Iowa Caucus, it's robbed many candidates of an acknowledgment of what their campaigns accomplished in the state. What discussion there has been has centered around Joe Biden's...

In 2 DSM Precincts, Unity Against Trump Kept Dems Friendly

In 2 DSM Precincts, Unity Against Trump Kept Dems Friendly

Though two separate precincts were packed together in a middle school gym, the night was relatively conflict-free. Des Moines 6 and 18, on the north side of the city, were on two sides of the gymnasium at Harding Middle School. They ran pretty well, especially under...

In 2 DSM Precincts, Unity Against Trump Kept Dems Friendly

In 2 DSM Precincts, Unity Against Trump Kept Dems Friendly

Though two separate precincts were packed together in a middle school gym, the night was relatively conflict-free. Des Moines 6 and 18, on the north side of the city, were on two sides of the gymnasium at Harding Middle School. They ran pretty well, especially under...

How Realignment Played Out In One Ankeny Precinct

How Realignment Played Out In One Ankeny Precinct

Realignment trends in a suburban Iowa precinct Monday night proved Pete Buttigieg to be the strongest second choice of caucus-goers, with Sen. Elizabeth Warren not far behind. Iowans caucused in Ankeny 10, a largely white, affluent community on the outskirts of Des...

How Realignment Played Out In One Ankeny Precinct

How Realignment Played Out In One Ankeny Precinct

Realignment trends in a suburban Iowa precinct Monday night proved Pete Buttigieg to be the strongest second choice of caucus-goers, with Sen. Elizabeth Warren not far behind. Iowans caucused in Ankeny 10, a largely white, affluent community on the outskirts of Des...